Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations for All Open 2025 KDA Positions


These are the open KDA positions for 2025:

  • Second Vice President
  • Secretary-Treasurer (Currently occupied by Kevin Wall/Eligible for Re-election)
  • Delegate to the ADA – 2026-1 (Currently occupied by Ansley Depp/Not Eligible for Re-election)
  • Delegate to the ADA – 2026-2 (Currently occupied by Andy Elliott/Not Eligible for Re-election)

Here is how to apply.

You must submit a completed application packet by April 1, 2025. Here is what must be included in your packet:

Please submit your application packet to: by April 1, 2025

Your packet will then be sent on to the KDA Election Commission.
Once you have submitted your application packet, the KDA Election Commission will review your application for accuracy and completeness and verify that you are a KDA member in good standing. Then, your essay, priorities statement and photo will be published in the May/June 2025 issue of KDA TODAY so that all KDA members may have a chance to review your information in preparation to vote during our annual session in August.

Members of the KDA Election Commission are:

Dr. BJ Millay -

Dr. Matt Milliner -

 Dr. Neil Rush -

Please submit your application packet to: by April 1, 2025

Presidential Rotation

The method for selection of candidates for Second Vice President of the Kentucky Dental Association will be on a five-year rotation basis as follows:

1. Louisville Dental Society

2. East of Louisville (any of the following: Northern Kentucky Dental Society, Eastern Dental Society, Kentucky Mountain Dental Society or Southeastern Dental Society)

3. Open to any of the 11 dental societies

4. Blue Grass Dental Society

5. West of Louisville (any of the following: Green River Dental Society, South Central Dental Society,

Pennyrile Dental Society, West Central Dental Society or Purchase Dental Society)

There shall be no additional fixed regional rotations.

Here are the duties of this year’s open positions:

Second Vice President

1. To assist the President in the performance of all duties.
2. In the absence of the President, or the inability of the President to act, to preside at all meetings of the General Assembly.
3. To serve as an ex‑officio member of the Executive Board and of all Councils, Committees and Work Groups of the Association, without the right to vote.
4. To attend the Annual Session.
5. To make a report at each Annual Session on deaths of members having occurred since the previous Annual Session. This report shall contain appropriate biographical sketches.
6. To perform such other duties as prescribed in the KDA Bylaws.
7. To be a liaison to the membership concierge or KDA staff member in charge of membership duties. An update on membership will be included in the 2nd Vice President report at each Executive Board meeting.
8. To assume the office of First Vice President at the next annual session following that at which he or she was elected Second Vice President.
9. To assume the office of President at the next annual session following that at which he or she served as First Vice President.


It shall be the duty of the Secretary‑Treasurer:
1. To serve for a term of three (3) years and not more than two (2) consecutive terms.
2. To serve as the recording officer and custodian of all records of the Association.
3. To issue the Official Call to all meetings of the House of Delegates, General Assembly and Executive Board.
4. To assist the Executive Board and officers of the Association as requested.
5. To assist the Council on Annual Session in the preparation and administration of the Annual Session.
6. To supervise the administrative affairs of publishing all publications of this Association.
7. To serve as custodian of all monies, securities, and deeds belonging to the Association which may come into possession, and shall hold, invest, and disburse same, subject to the direction of the House of Delegates, keeping a record of same in a book provided for that purpose.
8. To make a full and detailed report of the financial affairs of the Association to the House of Delegates.
9. To combine and invest funds of the Association in a prudent manner which best assures financial growth while maintaining separate balances for each fund. The Secretary-Treasurer will prepare a quarterly report on the financial status of the consolidated funds which will be given to the Executive Board quarterly and will be made available to any member in good standing upon request. A copy of the most current report will also be included in the reports received by the delegates and alternate delegates at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the Annual Session.
10. To be bonded in such amount as may be designated by the House of Delegates, the expense of such bond to be borne by the Association.
11. To supervise all financial matters pertaining to the operation and publishing of any publications of this Association.
12. To represent this Association at the American Dental Association annual session only when serving as the Sixth (6) District of the American Dental Association Sec/Treas. Expenses are to be borne by the association.
13. To keep a separate loose leaf book containing the Constitution and Bylaws to be known as the “Master Copy” and each year in cooperation with the Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs, record any change therein and keep same up-to-date.
14. When authorized by the House of Delegates, to issue charters to Component Societies.
15. To serve as an ex‑officio member of all Councils, Committees and Work Groups of the Association, without the right to vote.
16. To present annually a written detailed report of the activities of his office to the Executive Board and the House of Delegates.
17. To furnish each member of the Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs with a loose leaf copy of the “Master Copy” of the Constitution and Bylaws and keep the “Master Copy” current and provide each member of the Council with current “Official Advisory Opinions” and Code of Ethics. (Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct)
18. To perform such other duties as prescribed in these Bylaws.

Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the American Dental Association

Delegates and alternate delegates to the American Dental Association (ADA) House of Delegates shall be elected in conformity with the Bylaws of the ADA.

Each year the appropriate number of Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the American Dental Association House of Delegates (equal number of each) will be elected by the General Assembly.

The Alternate Delegate elected term will be two (2) years in duration with a two-term limit. An Alternate Delegate who has served two terms will be eligible to run again after two (2) years of sitting out of the rotation. An Alternate Delegate is not required to sit out if choosing to run for a Delegate position.

The Delegate elected term shall be three (3) years in duration with a two-term limit. A Delegate who has served two terms will be eligible to run again after three (3) years sitting out of the rotation. A senior member of the group of Delegates shall be designated as Chairperson of the Delegation by the Executive Board.

The President, First Vice President and Speaker of the House of Delegates of the Kentucky Dental Association shall serve as Alternate Delegates to the ADA House of Delegates. Delegate and Alternate Delegate positions shall be identified by the year of the first ADA House of Delegates they will attend. If more than one position is open in a particular year, the positions will be delineated numerically. Proviso, two delegates for the year 2021 shall be designated as “2021 ADA Delegate-1” and “2021 ADA Delegate-2”.

Credentials. The Secretary of this Association will provide each Delegate and Alternate Delegate with a Certificate of Election, signed by the Secretary of this Association, to be filed with the House of Delegates of the American Dental Association.

1. Delegates
In the event a vacancy should occur among the elected delegates, such vacancy shall be filled by the alternate delegate designated by the President to serve until the next Annual Session at which time a member shall be elected by the General Assembly to fill the unexpired term. In the event the vacancy involves the Chairperson, the President shall designate an ad interim Chairperson, until a new Chairperson shall be designated by the Executive Board.

2. Alternate Delegates
Any vacancy occurring in the alternate delegates shall be filled at the next Annual Session by a member elected by the General Assembly to fill the unexpired term.

Duties of the Chairperson
It shall be the duty of the Chairperson to see that the delegation is seated. The Chairperson shall write a report of the activities of the House of Delegates of the American Dental Association. This report shall be submitted to the Kentucky Dental Journal for publication in the next issue following the Annual Session of the American Dental Association.